
Omnibus Tales

I have produced a series of episodes or chapters covering my years on the buses, looking at the various depots in which I worked, the different ways they operated, where they operated, the fleets they had and so on, and remembering incidents of note over the years. They were initially published only in the Glasgow Vintage Vehicle Trust Magazine Fare Stage, then were provided online to a wider circulation within Scotland. The episodes contained anecdotes which are at least based on something which actually happened or existed, but were most certainly subject to substantial fictional content in the interests of entertainment.

This book contains the preamble and first nine of these episodes, relating to the first company I worked for, Walter Alexander Midland Ltd., later Midland Scottish operating out of Milngavie Depot and providing passenger services from Milngavie, Bearsden, Drumchapel and Duntocher in and out of Glasgow Buchanan/Killermont Bus Station.

The original episodes have been amended somewhat to allow for non-Scottish and non-bus-familiar readers so that I hope whoever may pick up this book can follow the Tales and at least get a feel for what life on the buses in the 60s and 70s in and around Glasgow was like.

The first few episodes in the book present largely the factual background and then as we settle in there are tales of things that may or may not have happened as described but are all at least based on something which did actually happen. I do hope, reader and friend, you enjoy the tales and pick up a sense of the fun!

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